As most of you know, I'm part of a church plant, called Missio Dei Community. I have been loving the chance to talk about what it means to be intentional in our relatioships and in our community. One organization we have been involved with is the Santa Cruz AIDS Project. A few of us participated in the Surf City AIDS ride (thanks to all who donated!) and we have also been trained, as volunteers. It has been AWESOME to learn more about the awesome things this organization is doing, with what little money they have left.
So, in celebration of World AIDS Day and Advent Conspiracy, createHumanity and Missio Dei is working together to put on a benefit concert called Art for AIDS. There will be comedians, music and art. 100% of the ticket proceeds will go to SCAP, along with a portion of any art that is sold. I am SO excited about this, and the possible impact we could all have on our community. If you're local and want to come, go here for tickets! If you're not local, come down/up and go, it'd be worth it!

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