Friday, December 31, 2010

Peace out 2010

I've been seeing a pattern on facebook today. 2010 was not the most favorite year of all time. I'll admit, I'm not sad to see 2010 go. It has not been my favorite year, and it has been a rough year for many people that I love. But, I am here, and I have an awesome God who loves me no matter what, the most amazing church community, friends and family a girl could ask for. I still have all of those things at the end of 2010, so it couldn't have been that bad! 2010 was actually full of personal accomplishments. 2 triathlons, a half marathon and a loss of 50 lbs!(ok more like 40 after the holidays, but still..)So, I had fun taking some time to look back at some pictures of awesome things that happened in 2010. God is good and I'm looking forward to 2011!

(notice special teams is not included in this photo)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Music Video

Christy's brothers, Nathan and Tim, are hilarious and awesome at making music videos. The night before the wedding, they put on their tuxes and wondered around the hotel shooting scenes for their next music video. Christy, Amy and I found these awesome leopard print robes in the closet at the hotel. We decided to join in on the fun. Had to share because, well, it's pretty stinkin hilarious. Or maybe it's only funny to us...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wedding Weekend

This weekend was Christy and Zach's wedding! Hard to believe it has already come and gone! It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed being a part of it and being able to spend time with friends I don't see often! Enjoy some pictures from the weekend!

Let's pause for a story about this. My car was parked in front of Christy's house on Friday. We were all inside getting ready for the rehearsal dinner. Some kid(still not sure he was old enough to drive, and didn't have proof of a license) hydroplaned at a pretty fast speed and hit my car. My fender and passenger side door took a good beating. I drove it to the driveway, and it's definitely not safe to drive back over the 17. So, I'm carless until after Christmas. Because it's cheaper than I rental car, I now have to fly home for Christmas. It's just frustrating to have to change all of my plans, AND have to figure out how to get to work the next 3 days. Yes, you heard right, I'm still at work until Wednesday. Ridiculous, I know. Also frustrating is the fact that the car was not insured. Of course it wouldn't be, because that would actually make something easier. Anyways, not a fun start to the weekend.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A little piece of Radcliff...

“Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty.” --Albert Einstein

My first 2 years of teaching were some of the hardest months of my life. There are a few people who were there from the beginning, and helped me become the teacher I am today. Without them, I'm not sure I would have the same outlook on the education world.

Two of those people are Cynthia and Marina. These wonderful ladies were the New Teacher Project Mentors at Radcliff (when there were still new teachers! :) Cynthia was my "official" mentor teacher, but they both helped all of the teachers at Radcliff. Both of them became mentors, friends and both had a huge impact on my life.

Cynthia spent countless hours helping me set my room up (the day before school started!), coached me through teaching a bilingual class, and always reminded me about the real reasons I was in the profession. The day I finished new teacher project was a bittersweet day. I treasure those 2 years, and everything I learned.

Although Marina wasn't my official mentor teacher, I felt like I was lucky enough to have two! She was always at Radcliff, and we would always stop to chat and catch up. If she was working in her office, I would always sit down to run ideas by her or update her on my life. She was always, always interested in everything I was doing. She offered to model lessons or sit with me to make a lesson more interactive. Mostly, I always appreciated how she always had the time to talk or listen to me vent, no matter how busy she was.

She was an amazing teacher, and we were all thankful to be able to get some of those ideas and skills passed onto us! The Albert Einstein quote above always reminds me of Marina. She always taught as if everyday with us and our students was a gift. She was great at reminding us of the valuable gift we were given, and always encouraged us to use it to empower our little community.

Today, our little Radcliff community lost Marina, to cancer. It was a long, hard fight. She was strong and fought it for many months. Although we miss her, it is good to know that she isn't feeling pain anymore. My heart is heavy today, as Radcliff felt a little empty today. Yet, while I spent the day remembering her, all I could think about was how I felt encouraged to push through the budget cuts, the frustrations, and the lack resources and just remember that teaching is not just a job. It is a gift. When we enjoy teaching, our students learn more. Marina wouldn't have it any other way.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Another year...

Tomorrow is the big 2-6. My 25th year of life has been filled of learning experiences, to say the least. I've taken major risks, started a new church adventure with 4 other people, completed 2 triathlons and a half marathon, lost 50 pounds, started my 5th year of teaching, experienced hurt and learned about guarding my heart, experienced a ton of joy, made lots of new friends, watched the Chargers give up the most blocked punts EVER, traveled to India, and most importantly, learned more about God, through all of it.

I think this was definitely my verse for the year. It kept coming up, over and over. I'm so thankful for the peace of God, which transcends all understanding. Overall, it has been a great year. I'm surrounded by amazing people, and I am blessed!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. -Phillipians 4:6-7

My mom sent me a birthday card today. It might seem extra, extra corny to all of you, and I was already a little more emotional than normal today, but this card had me in tears. She called and said she thought it described me perfectly. It was exactly what I needed to read today. Thanks mom!:)

To My Daughter:

Sometimes I get so caught up in being your Mom--
still trying to look out for you and worrying about every little thing--
that I don't take time to tell you what you deserve to hear.

I'm amazed by you with everything you've accomplished,
and how busy you are everyday,
you're still one of the kindest, most thoughtful people I know.

I'm inspired by you--
your courage, your ambition, the way you look at life,
Even when things are challenging, you keep your positive attitude.

I'm proud of you and always have been.
You know exactly who you are and you do a beautiful job of expressing it.
I love watching you be "you."

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 31

Day 31 A photo of you and someone who should have been your twin

As requested, I added a day to the 30 day challenge. This is someone who I refer to as my twin (we called each other that after seeing that our movie collections were almost identical). Her name is Jen. Jen was one of my first friends in Santa Cruz, when we were in a bible study together. 5 years later, our friendship is still going strong. We try to meet for coffee a few times a month. A twin coffee meeting is never complete with out Elf and Dumb and Dumber quotes. This girl is quality, and I can always count on her to be there for me. She's the best.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 29 and 30

Day 29--A photo of someone you find attractive

This was a hard one, lol. And this is not his best picture...but do you know how hard it is to find a picture of this guy in a Padres uniform?! That's what happens when you play for the dodgers, giants, rockies and diamondbacks. And you know I can't post him wearing any of those uniforms. :)

Day 30--A photo of a time when you were happy

Finishing my first triathlon. Lots of happiness in that one. :)

The photo challenge is over! Was fun, but too much work. Time to find something else to blog about...

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Day 28

A photo of something you ate today

Chipotle salmon wrap..mmm. Totally forgot to take a picture with my phone. Oh well. Oh, and the company was pretty awesome too! :)

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Day 27

Day 27 A photo from last summer

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Day 26

A photo of your favorite weekend

I love, love, love New York City. I have always wanted to try living there for a year. My old roommate, Graciela, and I went to NYC for 4 days. It was one of my favorite vacations, ever. We went to see Hairspray, and ended up seeing Grease also. We pretty much saw all there is to see there, in 3 days. So fun!

Monday, December 06, 2010

Day 25

A photo of a night you loved

Cal Poly girls reunion, 2009. Every year, I look forward to getting together with these girls. Sarah, Michelle, Lesley, and Kristina(not pictured :( were some of my closest friends in college. I was blessed with an amazing roommate(Sarah, on the right) my freshman year. I love that we still make time to get together, and catch up with each other. This was in May of last year, I went to Sactown for the weekend, and we hung out all weekend. This was a super fun night, and hilarious, for only reasons they would know. Still makes me laugh remembering it. :)

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Day 24

A photo of you that your hair looks nice in

I already used my best hair photo in the photo here's a different one. This is the spring break family photo shoot. I keep thinking I want to cut my hair that short again, but I'm actually enjoying how long it is. Plus, if you remember this post, I'm hoping to donate it in the near future!

I feel like I have a lot on my mind, and that I could write a much deeper post, but instead I'll stick with that. :) Oh and I skipped day 23, it was lame.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Day 22

A photo of your town

Really? Posting a picture of Felton would be way boring. Here's out super, super cute house at Mt. Hermon. It's so fun and Christmasy right now, too. It's a super long drive to work, but I do love the Herm.

I spend most of my time in Santa Cruz, though (well, when I'm not at work). Here's one of my favorite pictures of the harbor!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Day 21

A photo of you standing up

I hate looking back at this picture, lol..but I do love these girls. :)

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Day 20

A photo of you doing something you enjoy

Hanging out with friends. Football. The Chargers.

Don't worry about what the score was to this game...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 19

A photo of you on a class trip

This day is also way easier when you're a teacher. :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 18

A photo of you and one of your classes

Luckily, I'm a teacher, so this day is easy! This is my 4/5 combo class. One of my hardest years of teaching, but one of my favorite classes. I still keep in touch with a lot of these students. I got to spend 2 years or more with a lot of them. The hardest(or best, depends on the year!) part of being a 5th grade teacher is sending them off to middle school!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Art for AIDS

As most of you know, I'm part of a church plant, called Missio Dei Community. I have been loving the chance to talk about what it means to be intentional in our relatioships and in our community. One organization we have been involved with is the Santa Cruz AIDS Project. A few of us participated in the Surf City AIDS ride (thanks to all who donated!) and we have also been trained, as volunteers. It has been AWESOME to learn more about the awesome things this organization is doing, with what little money they have left.

So, in celebration of World AIDS Day and Advent Conspiracy, createHumanity and Missio Dei is working together to put on a benefit concert called Art for AIDS. There will be comedians, music and art. 100% of the ticket proceeds will go to SCAP, along with a portion of any art that is sold. I am SO excited about this, and the possible impact we could all have on our community. If you're local and want to come, go here for tickets! If you're not local, come down/up and go, it'd be worth it!

Day 17

Day 17: A drunk photo of you

Umm, yeah. Don't have one of those, but this picture (although not my favorite of me) is me hiding the fact that I'm drunk with anger lol. 6 hours, 18 innings and the Padres still LOST. That's the best I can do for Day 17 lol

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 16

A photo of you at the last party you went to

I guess this technically counts as a party? At Ashley's for practice Thanksgiving. This is her niece, Amelia. Practice Thanksgiving is AWESOME! Everybody practices new dishes that they are going to make on Thanksgiving. It was tons of fun, and I great way to meet some of Ashley's friends.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 15--Caleb and Micah

A photo of you and someone you love

Halfway done with the 30 day photo challenge! Even if no one is reading, it has been fun for me. This day was hard, as previously mentioned, I have some pretty awesome people in my life! I have tons of kids in my life, which I love.(None of them are forgotten, and I love them all!!) These 2 kiddos have been on my mind a lot this week. I picked these pictures because a) they're cute and b) they have brought a lot of joy to my life, this past year. I couldn't find a picture of all 3 of us :( I love when they get excited when I come over, and they always have lots to talk about! I love how Micah is a great dance. I love how caring Caleb is, and how he has a great sense of humor. And most of all, I love how he's a Charger fan! Micah has been learning about that, too. So thankful for them and how they help to remind me that there is always time for fun!


I feel like a blogging machine. haha Instead of my yearly "Things I'm thankful for" post, I wanted to post some things that I'm thankful I learned this year. There are some awesome things God has taught me this year, it's been fun to reflect on them.

-Being intentional with my relationships with people is WAY more difficult than it sounds, but SO rewarding

-I do not always measure success the same way God does.

-God, my friends and my family are my rock. They will always be there, even when I make horrible choices.

-God always knows the plans. If something doesn't turn out the way you think it should, take it as a hint. Don't keep trying to make it work, 2 or 3 more times.

-Taking care of my health gives me confidence to do things I would have never done before. Remember this post about me being exhausted after a 5k? Last weekend I ran a half marathon!

-In my line of work, it's all about your attitude. There will be challenges every, single year, it's the way you deal with them.(only took me 5 years)

-It's ok to be busy, but clearing your schedule so that you have time for building relationships, is the best way to be busy!

-Online dating really isn't any fun. ha

-Glorifying God with our finances and sticking to a strict budget, makes life a little less fun, but makes life less stressful.

I'm sure there's others, I'll try to update if I remember them. I'm spending Thanksgiving up in Sactown with Christy, this year. I spent many Thanksgivings with her family, in college. I'm looking forward to getting away for a few days. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 14

A photo of one of your favorite family members

Not sure why I can't find a picture of us together...and it isn't fair that "they" make us pick a favorite family member lol. It was a hard fight between Tim and Grandma. (really, no offense to everyone else lol ) So in typical Christal fashion, I picked both. I am so lucky to have Tim as a step-dad.

Here's a few reasons:
-he is ALWAYS supportive
-we can laugh together when mom is being crazy
-he loved me from Day 1
-he's been there, when my dad hasn't
-he always sends me text messages telling me how proud he is of me
-He runs half marathons in 1:39 ?!?!?! Who does that?
-He works hard, despite crazy budget cuts, to help support us

And then there's grandma(my gma on the right, my step-gma on the left, both equally awesome) My gma, will probably KILL me for posting a picture of her. Because she hates pictures, it's difficult to find one with us together!

Here's why she's great:
-She took care of us after school, while my mom worked(years and years of days of our lives cemented in my brain haha)
-she spoils me ;)
-she calls, just to catch up and tell me she's proud of me
-she's funny
- she loves sports, and calls to talk about it all the time
- she loves and supports all of her kids and grandkids, even when we don't all agree, all the time
-she comments on my blog

Here's why she's not:
-She's a Denver Broncos fan (haha, kidding Grandma...sort of)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 13

A photo of your best friend(s)

I have THE best friends, in the whole world. At different times in our lives, we have different people who are closest to us. I love that I have more than 1 person I can call best friend. Here are some of the amazing women in my life! (in no particular order) Love you all. :)