I've been seeing a pattern on facebook today. 2010 was not the most favorite year of all time. I'll admit, I'm not sad to see 2010 go. It has not been my favorite year, and it has been a rough year for many people that I love. But, I am here, and I have an awesome God who loves me no matter what, the most amazing church community, friends and family a girl could ask for. I still have all of those things at the end of 2010, so it couldn't have been that bad! 2010 was actually full of personal accomplishments. 2 triathlons, a half marathon and a loss of 50 lbs!(ok more like 40 after the holidays, but still..)So, I had fun taking some time to look back at some pictures of awesome things that happened in 2010. God is good and I'm looking forward to 2011!

(notice special teams is not included in this photo)

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