This weekend, I got to head up to the Oakhurst area with a couple of our youth group kids for Winter/Snow Camp. We had an awesome time on the way up, but we were a little concerned when most of the mountain didn't have much snow...kind of like this picture...

But...halfway through the day Saturday and all of Sunday there was TONS of snow! Anyways, the theme this year was I *heart* winter camp. (what is with my blog not letting me make a heart?"The theme was love, God's love for us, our love for Him, our love for others. I know these camps are all about the kids, but I love that we get to learn, too. :) Here are a few things that stuck with me:

"God assesses our lives by how we love." That was huge for me. What do you think about that statement? Do you think it's true? I took a step back and thought...if that's true, then I have some work to do. I think I'm a pretty loving person by nature, but I'm also a people pleaser. Sometimes I don't do things out of love, I just do it to please someone or make them happy. The important thing is that there are too many "I"s in the last few sentences. Loving people in a Christ like way can only be done through Him.
"If you can't show your love and excitement for Jesus in a place with other Christians, who are your family, how are you going to be able to show it to the world?" This hit close to home for our group and for me. I'm not afraid to show how much I love Him when I'm in a safe place, but kick me out of there, and it's definitely harder for me. I pray that I keep having those opportunites!
It was great to see so many students who are on fire for the Lord. We were there with 5 other youth groups. I was so blessed to get to hang out with some awesome Pastors and leaders. I love junior high and high school kids. They're tons of fun to be around. I really, really want my middle school credential...maybe some day.

i think you are a VERY loving person. Wish you were here now... could us the love on this icky day.
Sounds like you had A really great time in the snow but I was expecting Snow Angels.....Glad it was such a great trip....Luv ya, G-Ma
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