I had great fun this past week in San Diego. It was SUPER relaxing as I got to hang out, and read while the family was all at work. I really enjoyed that. I finished books 1, 2 and 3 of the Twilight Series. If you haven't started reading yet, you should. I am counting down until this Saturday when book 4 comes out. I got to play cards on Sunday with the whole family, saw Mamma Mia with my mom and the Rachels. It was fun hanging out with both Rachels, I always enjoy seeing them. I also got to see a lot of my grandma and parents (both sides). On Thursday we headed out to the Del Mar horseraces, where I proceeded to lose ltos of money, but it was still lots of fun! Overall, I had a pretty great first week of summer! Enjoy the pictures.
*Also...forgot to mention that I have been having a lot of problems with my right foot (the same one I broke a few years ago). I am pretty sure I have a stress fracture from training for the Wharf to Wharf(which I couldn't run because of my foot :( Please be praying...I'm seeing a podiatrist on Thursday!

Whoa! Repping the L-side!
Say hi to your mom the next time you guys chat!
forget the book (Breaking Dawn)- the movie looks like eye candy to me!
No no no! You have to read Breaking Dawn, it's the best out of all three! Except for New Moon with the whole Jacob bit.
Catch ya on da flipside booyakasha!
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