On Sunday, we went to church, and then Rachel hung out with Allen while I went to some Kenya meetings. She got to see parts of Santa Cruz I haven't even seen! After, we did some shopping and then met my roomie and Allen for dinner. Lots of speed uno and speed scrabble followed. It was tons of fun.
Monday, Mike and Brian came down from Sunnyvale to visit. It has been awesome having Mike so close. All of us headed over to the church picnic. It turned out to be an awesome time! We won some tug o war and an egg toss. Good food and good friends definitely equaled good times that day. After the picnic, we tried to visit the Mystery Spot, but it was a 3 hour wait...s
o we left and went to the boardwalk. Note to self: Dont ever do that on Memorial Day ever again. ha. It was crowded but a ton of fun. We went mini golfing and walked on the beach.

On Tuesday, Rachel came to school and felt my pain. haha. Like nailing jello to a wall. :) Speaking of school...It looks like I may get to stay in 2nd grade. We are losing a bilingual teacher, so they won't have anyone to move into my position. Soooo...the principal said if they don't have someone for the position, they can't take it. Wooooo. This is good. Trying not to get
too excited, just in case they change it, again. Looks like my roomie is moving up to 3rd, she'll have my students.muahaha...that can't be good.

I am so looking forward to next Thursday. 6 more school days...I NEED a vaction. Can't wait. Hope everyone is doing well!