"Free at last, free at last. Lord Almighty I'm free at last." The great words of Martin Luther King, Jr. What a great man he was. I can't wait to teach my students all about him! My book of the month is about him, and I am looking forward to finding out all about their dreams. Speaking of that, Cassie was in town this weekend, and we were able to go see the movie Freedom Writers. I HIGHLY recommend it! I have read the book and was even more pleased with the movie! (except Dr. McDreamy is not so mcdreamy in this movie:o( It was a great teacher movie, and I felt soo motivated by it! I can only hope to have that big of an impact on students.
This weekend was full of funness! Cassie came up from SLO to visit. On Saturday night we stayed up late watching Greys Anatomy...my fault! Sunday, we headed off to church, then to lunch and then to watch the Charger game. Sadly...that ended in a defeat..but hey, there's alway

s next year! On Sunday night we got dinner at Pizza my Heart and Ice cream at Marinis in downtown Santa Cruz, followed by bowling with some friends at church! Today we went

to Monterey to go to the aquarium. I have a year pass...so I have been many, many times. We also got to eat at Bubba Gumps, which is always a good time. It was a fun, fun time to spend with the sister!
Tomorrow is the first day back! I am very excited..and will be very tired if I don't get to bed soon!!! Hope all is well with everyone.
P.S. is anyone else cold?!?!
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