Isabella: Are you going to tell me how you stopped the van?
Edward : Yeah. Um... I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it.
Edward : Yeah. Um... I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it.

Edward : That's what you dream about? Being a monster?
Isabella : I dream about being with you forever.

Edward Cullen: Yes... No... To get to the other side... 1.772...
Isabella Swan: I don't need the square root of pi.
I thought it was so GREAT, but a little cheesy. I am a total sucker for cheesy movies though. I think the guy who playd Edward is super weird in real life, but he started to grow on me halfway through the movie. A lot of the characters were casted well, and of course it was nowhere near as good as the book, but I was entertained. The only part I strongly disliked was the 2347987 screaming girls. I will probably go to see it again when the hype calms down, there were times during the movie that I couldn't hear the characters! Anyways, it was a fun girls night out and I enjoy a cheesy romantic movie every once in awhile! I think you'd like it even if you haven't read the books. It wasn't dark at all, and there wasn't that much vampireness (that comes more in the other books). go check it out!
Did anyone else see it? What did you think?
I liked it too! I love that google quote!! ^_^
I made Kyle take me... he liked it much better "when the fighting started"
I liked the book a lot better, but then I usually do, I like how you can get more in-depth with the characters, learning what they are thinking and such... I just bought new moon, so I have to get started on that one now.
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