After school was out, we headed to Visili's(greek food) for lunch. I did this last year to looks like a tradition is starting. :) 5 of my friends met us there and we had a great time. Then, we hung around at home for a few hours before we met my mentor teacher for drinks. It was my last meeting with her. She has been amazing, and I would never be the teacher I am today, without her.

After, we went to the movie theater to see Kung foo panda. It is absolutely hilarious. I think it's pretty appropriate for kids, although the bad guy can be scary for really little ones. There was a bunch of kids in the theater that were laughing the whole time. I enjoyed it, and thought that it was super creative. Try to get out and see it! Happy Summer!

all I have to say is.....
would you like a small poster from the movie??
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