July has been a rough month for me. Not being in Kenya has been hard and frustrating. They will be back this week, and it may be equally as hard, but I am hoping to be the best friend I can possibly be, and listen to all the fun stories. I'm sure God did amazing things there. I have yet to write a letter to my supporters, I can't seem to get through it. It will get done, eventually.
My back seems to be getting better, but it changes daily. I am still doing PT and resting a lot. I am learning that this is something I may be dealing with for awhile. So I am trying to change the little things to make everything easier on my body. I am mostly sad that this pain keeps me from driving long distances. I miss my Nugents. :(
Although I didn't get to go to Kenya, my amazing friends have made my time in S
anta Cruz loads of fun. We saw the new Harry Potter(not as good as all the others), we've been out to eat, we've been to the beach, we've been shopping, we've watched TONS of Friends and Grey's Anatomy, we've been bowling(not me, I just watched..dont worry.), and we've been to the Salinas Rodeo. I am so blessed to have them in my life to ta
ke care of me, to make me laugh and to just be there for me when needed. I have enjoyed most of my time in this B-E-A-utiful place this summer.

The next few months bring busyness and lots of visitors! Sarah, my college roommate, is coming to visit tomorrow. We haven't seen each other in a year! I'm working at Spirit West Coast and going to the Strawberry festival, the Gma is visiting, as are Matt and Missy, all in August. Oh yeah..and I go back to work. Minor detail.
Enjoy your Monday! I should not be up this late....
when r u going 2 the berry festival if u r working @ SWC? we r considering a visit up 2 u since u cannot come 2 us... & I could see J @ the same visit. u will enjoy her and she u in my absence if we don't make it. :) send me an email with ur schedule... miss u!!
hey, so, linking to other blogs. easy.
Go into "layout"
Click on "add page element"
Click on "Link List"
Set it up! woo!
Hope your back decides to start acting properly! yay for school starting and 4th grade! you will be great!
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