Saturday, March 31, 2007
3 new movies!
But I've been watching a lot of new movies, so I wanted to post about them. On Friday, I got to reconnect with 2 college friends near and dear to my heart! It was a short visit, but it was fun, as always. We all watched The Prestige. It's about magic and magicians. It's actually a well made film, but I was SO tired I didn't really understand it until 15 minutes after the movie was over. It's one of those that you need to be really awake for. But, it was really good, I recommend it.
Today the roomie finally sat me down and got me to watch Singing in the Rain. Not that I was fighting it, but we just haven't had the time. It was a fun movie to watch, and I usually always love musicals. If you haven't seen it, you should. We watched that from about 7-9.
On Friday I had rented Casino Royale and Blood Diamond. Right after Singing in the Rain, we decided to go with Blood Diamond. Big change? uh yeah! It was an awesome, awesome, awesome movie. I was impressed with the performances and the overall story line. It breaks my heart to know about all those people losing their lives, just because of diamonds. Why do we choose diamonds for engagement rings anyways? There are tons of stones that are just as pretty! Makes me want to be in Africa now...not July!
Tomorrow is all about Bond...James Bond.
Spring Break...

Saturday, March 24, 2007
New Movie

Friday, March 23, 2007
bowling and bumper cars...

Kenya, July 2007
Since I have tomorrow off, I figure it's ok to stay up late to update the blog. :) So..the news I was talking about on the last post is that I am officially going to Nairobi, Kenya on a short term missions trip this summer! I am super excited. If you want to be praying, you can definitely be praying that God prepares my heart for everything that is going to happen over there. I totally have a heart for the AIDS epidemic and the people affected by it. Especially after reading that teachers are highly affected by it, too. It also really hurts my heart to know that it is the young people, 18-25, who are most infected by this disease. It's all really overwhelming. I can't wait to get there and be able to show the hope of Jesus Christ!
Some interesting facts:
- Kenya is one of the nine countries in Africa hardest hit by the AIDS epidemic.
- Approximately 10 percent of the adult population is infected with HIV.
- It is estimated that 2.5 million Kenyans are infected with HIV/AIDS.
- In a study conducted in 2001, it was reported that on average, 600 Kenyans die of AIDS everyday.
- The average age for life expectancy has been reduced from the 63 years to 48 years due to AIDS.
- It is reported that 18 teachers die due to AIDS every month and about 6,570 die annually.
- Seven out of every ten HIV positive Kenyans are aged between 18 and 25 years.
Approximately 1.3 million young people have lost one or both parents to AIDS.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Life in Santa Cruz..
School has been going well lately. Nothing new...except testing is coming up in a month and we're all feeling the pressure. Violence has gone up lately and my emotions are up and down. Today, 2 of my non readers, read 2 pages of words. I have been working with them on a new phonics program. I started getting excited and jumping up and down. They all think I'm crazy! I love them...and will be so sad when my first class moves to 3rd grade! I won't ALWAYS miss them...but it will still be sad. This week I am taking thursday and friday off. I am getting a massage, having lunch with some friends and sleeping in. I'm soooooo excited! Couldn't come at a better time. :)
My time at Santa Cruz Bible has been awesome, lately. I'm still doing the activities thing and the past few things we've done have been amazing successes! I love it, but am trying to find a good balance between church and school.
When I get home, I'll post some pictures from bowling. And maybe some news later tonight....
Hope everyone is doing well!