Monday, February 05, 2007


Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Things have been pretty hectic around here! We moved a few weekends ago and are LOVING it! I would post some pictures, but at the moment the camera is dead and I am still trying to find the battery charger...gotta love moving. Its a 2 bedroom apartment with a nice kitchen and nice living room. I am really enjoying having a roommate again, too!

My parents were here this past weekend to bring my bed and see the new place. They loved it too! They loved that it was about a 10 minute walk to the beach and Capitola Village (lots of shops and food)!

Yesterday was the Superbowl party with the young adults group. I planned most of it, and it was pretty successful..Praise the Lord! We had a great time, and Yay for the Colts..except Manning so didn't deserve the MVP award...lame.

I am so looking forward to the next few weeks because I have 2 3 day weekends! YAY! Also...I'm thinking the Baby Nugent will be here soon too! double YAY

Hope all is well with everyone! I promise to post pictures soon!