We're in Hawaii! We are having a great time! Christy and I went parasailing and to a luau yesterday! We had an awesome time doing both! Today was kayaking and snorkeling! Wow, I'm exhausted! We are on the big island of Hawaii, about 30 miles from Kona. This island is different because it is full of lava rock! The island was formed by volcanoes and still looks like one. Haha. We also went to the other side, and its very tropical! More Hawaii-ish! The island is huge, all the other islands could fit on this island, with room left over! I am really enjoying the time away, and am not looking forward to getting back to normal life! Benjamin is holding up well, but he is really jealous that tee-ti got to see dolphins when she was parasailing! Hope everyone else is doing well! Back on Sunday, then its off to Oakland for training!

Aka Aka Falls

what the mom?????? Christy is in Hawaii to????? TIGHT!!! hope the ncmo went well =)
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