Saturday, August 19, 2006

The First Week...

So by popular is my first week of school. (as a teacher, i mean!)

On Monday, we had a whole day of training. 8:30-3:30. After that the first and second grade teachers stayed another 1.5 hours to figure out a problem. There are 2 bilingual classes and two english classes. There is only 1 bilingual teacher, and 3 of us english speakers. The district wants us to be teaching 50 percent spanish and 50 percent english. To make the program bilingual, my class switches with another class for language arts. I teach both classes in english and Laura, the Spanish Speaker, teaches it in Spanish. The first day, I met a lot of my parents. Only a few of them speak English. I was surprised at how much Spanish I remembered! Good thing too, since I have been speaking Spanish for about 85 percent of the school day! I have a few students who don't speak English, so speaking Spanish is the best way to clear up instructions. I should be completely bilingual by the end of the month!

My class is very sweet, but very loud! On the second day, they took advantage of me a little bit, so on the 3rd day, I turned into a meanie. I took away 7 recess' and the whole class had to stay in for 5 minutes during one! Needless to say, it worked. They were shocked, and I will continue to be that way until it works.

All of the teachers at the school are amazing. They are all very young and very fun! I get along with all of them and have become friends with a few! I am enjoying being a teacher, but there is so much work that goes with it! I am always so tired, so I rarely do anything after work! I am looking forward to trying out a church tomorrow. And tonight, I'm going to Jessi's belated graduation party! She's the only one I really know in the area, so I am excited to hang out with her! Plus I havent been anywhere but Watsonville and Gilroy for the past week. Speaking of Gilroy, that place is the greatest, with the exception of the smell lol. 145 outlets...that place is so amazing! I can't wait to go back!

I am missing SLO a lot! But, I am trying my best to move on and make my life here. I am missing you all, and I hope everyone is doing well!