These girls are practicing for the Christmas program I'm about to tell you all about....
Sunday, January 10, 2010
India: Part 3
Yesterday at church I was given the chance to share about my time in India. I got to show some pictures and just share about my life changing experience. I had a fun time dressing up in my Indian clothes and remembering everything great about India. A lot of people came up to talk to me after, it was fun to answer questions and encourage people to pray. God is good! It also reminded me how behind I am in blogging my here I am...a short post, so I can be rested for work tomorrow!
These girls are practicing for the Christmas program I'm about to tell you all about....
This is the village where the school is. These are just a few shots, and they don't even come close to describing what it is really like. It is a place with character, but a lot of poverty. The train comes through on the hour(that's another story). On my second day in India, Julia took Jen and I shopping for Punjabis to wear to the Christmas program that night. These are a few of the pictures we took, as I walked around Dakshin Barasat for the first time.

Jen and I became close to these two girls while we were in India. On the left is Noringina(Esther) and on the right is Shannarah(Julia). These two girls are the leaders of the two hostels. They are so on fire for the Lord, I looked up to them!

My second night in India, the high school girls put on a Christmas program. The girls sang and danced, there was a speaker and they showed the Jesus film. It was an awesome celebration of Jesus' birth! There were thousands of people from the village that came and were able to hear the gospel. It was such a fun thing to be a part of. Much of the money I raised for this trip went to pay for this program. They almost cancelled it, when they heard we were coming. So awesome how things work out!! I have some video from this night. I'll have to upload it on the next post.

Jen and I all dressed up in our fancy Indian clothes and crazy amount of bling. Thanks for reading! Lots more to come...sorry it is taking so long.
These girls are practicing for the Christmas program I'm about to tell you all about....
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My O My what a great time you had glad you got to go.... Very interesting keep up the reports..... (Keeps you away from the chicken) Luv Ya, G-Ma
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