Next week, my mom is coming to visit! She gets in on thursday and then on Friday she's going on our field trip with us. We are going to Capitola beach for this fun California history program. I'm looking forward to it! I don't know what else is planned for the weekend, except Jen's wedding! I'm looking forward to it. Then the weekend after that is yosemite, then the weekend after that is a writing conference down south in ontario. Good times lie ahead.
Nothing else, really to update you on. I'll leave some pictures from when we took 130 kids to the boardwalk a few weekends ago. All of these kids moved up one level on their state standardized testing. SO much fun. :)

hey, you should take your kids to the Seymour center/longs marine lab sometime if you can. It's a little aquarium, and really cool! My sister works there in the front office... you should check it out!
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