Sorry...these pictures are out of order! So for Spring Break I went home for the first time in 4 years. I haven't been home for Easter in Forever! My SLO fam was visiting Monterey, so they offered to spend some time and drive me down with them! I so enjoyed my short time with them! On Saturday Jarred (brother), Brittany(his gf), Cassie (sister), Brandon (friend) and I went to the Padres vs. Giants game. *excuse this interruption*
This is for Mr. Tim N.: Uh Oh, did the Giants just get swept by the Padres AND the Dodgers?????? Ok, I'm back now. Anyways, the game was pretty fun and the padres won, of course. On Sunday, we went to an awesome church service and then had some of the family over for Easter. (The padres also beat the giants that day.) :) On Monday I got a pedicure and had lunch with Brittany. Tuesday I relaxed a lot and went downtown for dinner and drinks with Britt, Jarred and Brandon. Wednesday, I got to have lunch with gma and a few others before heading home. were equally fun. It was SO short, but really fun and relaxing. It was fun having the family all home at once.