Friday, February 15, 2008

pink slips...

From our Superintendent:

For PVUSD, the Governor’s proposal reduces revenue limit income and other unrestricted funding for next year by $8.8 million from current levels. (The State is recommending that Special Education revenue alone be reduced by $1.1 million below this year’s income level. Other recommended reductions from state funds include transportation, K-3 Class size reduction and 9th grade Class size reduction.). The restricted accounts are projected for a $3 million. In addition, we know that our employees’ step and column movement and a 7% additional cost in benefits will increase our District’s expenditures by $4 million. Although we have initiated an energy education savings program we know there will be increases in operating expenses due to inflation (e.g. insurance, and retiree benefits). With these proposed reductions in income and increased expenses, the bottom line is that we will need to cut $11.8 million relative to our current spending in order to have a balanced budget for 2008/09.

For certificated employees, the District has a requirement to send an initial notice of potential layoff by March 15. Even though layoff notices are being issued, we will do everything we can to retain as many programs and people as possible. For certificated employees, a final resolution of the possible layoff notice must occur by March 15. Please be assured that after this date and throughout the summer, we will continue to work to bring back people and programs as allowed by our budget situation.

**So much to think about. I am 99% sure I will be receiving a pink slip. I don't know how many people will be asked back. I can't be a person who sits around all summer to see if my job comes back. I have to have something lined about, mostly because I have loans to pay! Until then, we pray!